Autism Rates Soar

Autism Rates Soar – Alarming Statistics

New Government Statistics reveal up to 1 in 91 children? Is this Really the Case?

The number of reported cases for Autism Diagnosis are on the rise and are hitting record levels.
But the Media are reporting whether this rise and validity in the actual numbers is a valid one.

Watch this short Video from a American Channel Newsie and decide for yourself.

What happens if this statistic is true?

More Autism Awareness and Discovering what the Signs And Symptoms of Autism Are is a start?

Please feel free to Leave Comments.

Signs and Symptoms Of Autism

Signs and Symptoms of Autism

Signs and Symptoms of Autism in Children

Concerned About A Person or Someone You Know Who May Be Displaying An Odd Behaviour, not communicating, not talking, having severe tantrums, no eye contact?

Do You Want to know what the Signs and Symptoms of Autism to look out for?

YOU have definitely come to the great and relevant website to Discover How to Identify Some of the Early Signs and Symptoms of Autism in Children.  



  1. Difficulty in expressing needs
  2. Little or no smiling
  3. At 1 year: no babbling, no pointing or these have stopped
  4. At 16 months: no words or words have disappeared
  5. At 2 years: no phrases or phrases have dropped
  6. Prefers to be alone; aloof manner
  7. Displays odd play such as playing with doors, fixated with spinning objects, stacking toys, lining up toys or more focused on part of a toy
  8. Child likes playing on their own – solitary play
  9. Repetitive behaviour
  10. Repeating words or phrases in place of normal responsive language. Even echolalia
  11. Laughing or showing distress for reasons not apparent to others
  12. Unexplainable excessive crying
  13. Aggression which is unexplained
  14. Little or no eye contact
  15. Not using age appropriate words to communicate
  16. Enjoys movement and is calmer when rocking, swinging or jumping or shaking body or head
  17. Over sensitive to certain sounds such as vacuum cleaner sounds, dog barking, lawnmower
  18. Self injurious behaviour such as head banging may be present
  19. Flapping hands, tiptoeing or biting
  20. Resisting change to set routines
  21. Delay in spoken language
  22. Completely indifferent to others feelings and there are more ….
However, just because your child may be exhibiting some of these Early Signs and Symptoms of Autism, does not necessarily mean that it is Autism.

PLEASE DO NOT be alarmed, seek Medical Advice from a Doctor or Paediatrician as soon as possible.

Do not delay even if you’re unsure, it may just be a developmental delay or some other developmental disorder and may not be an Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Even saying this, Autism is not a curse and it does turn out that the person is diagnosed with Autism. Remember, Autism is just a different way of understanding the world  for the person affected by autism and their family and people around the person affected by autism need to understand to help them.
Just in case you want to know about My Story:

I have an amazing son, Alex, who was diagnosed with Autism at the very young age of only 2 1/2 years old. He exhibited most of the signs and symptoms of autism that I have listed above. 

I have first hand experience of dealing with an Autistic child and Autism, both from a parent’s point of view and life experience.  I’m writing from my life experience of living and caring for an autistic child. I can give you pointers as to what to look out for to spot the Signs and Symptoms of Autism in children at an early age and stage. This is because, I believe that early diagnosis of Autism AND early intervention is the key to success in helping the person affected by Autism. I am not offering a cure and on my website I do not wish to offer a cure. I believe, that there are forms of autism that are induced by diet, however, I do not think that these diets do not cure the autsim but the signs and symptoms of autism are relieved. This is my own personal opinion, I do not wish to offend or upset anyone who thinks differently.

So What is Autism?

Autism means living in one’s own world. Autism or Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a brain or developmental disorder that affects a way a person understands the world.
It nearly always begins in childhood under the age of three. Autism is also referred to as Autistic Spectrum Disorder or ASD, Autistic Spectrum Condition or ASC, Autism, Aspergers (high functioning Autism) and Pervasive Developmental Disorder. Every child on the Autism Spectrum is affected differently and is different in most respects. The child has unique challenges, differing symptoms and varying degrees of abilities.
 A child’s development is affected by the way it communicates or chooses not to communicate, limited or no eye contact, the child has different ways of playing with its toys (for example lining up toys, interested in certain toys), repetitive behaviour such as playing with doors, and limited interaction with other people. These are just some of the Signs and Symptoms of Autism. These are not limited to the behaviours of autistic children. They love routine and structure as it makes sense and any interrruptions to these routines can cause havoc, especially in the younger days.
Usually and autistic person or child displays three main characteristics. These are problems with their language in term of communication, displaying stereotypical behaviours and limited social interaction with others.
These 3 characteristics are usually referred to as the “triad of impairments” and are key characteristics to the Signs and Symptoms of Autism.
 Autism Awareness and Understanding of Autism Needs To Be Addressed as it is now affecting a lot more people around the world in one way or another. Recent research suggests 1 in 150 in the UK.

Spread the word about Autism and what it means to be Autistic.

Follow  me on TWITTERto show your support and awareness of AUTISM.   If you want to Learn more. A really excellent and Essential Guide To Autism with lots of extras. This guide gives you bundles of information and what to look out for to spot the Autism Symptoms and what to do if you do. CLICK HERE OR Please feel free to subscribe to the RSS on this Blog.  

What is Autism or Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) – Signs and Symptoms of ASD  





A child’s development is affected by the way it communicates or chooses not to communicate, limited or no eye contact, the child has different ways of playing with its toys (for example lining up toys, interested in certain toys), repetitive behaviour such as playing with doors, and limited interaction with other people. These are just some of the Signs and Symptoms of Autism. The’re not limited to the behaviours of autistic children, who love routine and structure, as it makes sense and any interrruptions to these routines can cause havoc, especially in the earlier days.  

Usually and autistic person or child displays three main characteristics. These are problems with their language in term of communication, displaying stereotypical behaviours and limited social interaction with others. These 3 characteristics are usually referred to as the “triad of impairments” and are key characteristics to the Signs and Symptoms of Autism.   


  Signs and Symptoms of Autism

Autism Awareness and understanding of Autism needs to be addressed as it is now affecting a lot of people and families around the world in one way or another. Recent research suggests 1 in 150 in the UK.  


Signs and Symptoms of Autism – Autism Awareness  

Spread the word about Autism and what it means to be Autistic. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE About Signs and Symptoms Of Autism!  

Autism Key

This an excellent website that has lots of information and resources for parents and parent of an Autistic Spectrum disorder including Pervasive Development Disorder.

It is run by parents and was created as a resource tool for parents to support provide encouragement and learn from each others challenges.

There is Information, Resources, News, Videos, Autism Message Boards, Autism support and much more.

It really is an excellent website to support you and your loved one.